Sarah Beckett

Artist Bio

Anchored in the physical reality of my life, the work grows out of what stands before my eyes to span the distances between the pure abstraction of light and the vivid silences of scarlet, viridian, cerulean….

'Everywhere I turn I am breathing rain, drinking light/ on this island sailing between sea and sky/ The world leans towards me and I enter a house that stands in my heart/ perfumed with the green psalms of earth/ a blue calm arced over Bois Cano and birdsong..”.

International Awards & Exhibitions


Guilio Cesare Award, I Segnalati Exhibition, Rome
International Raffaello Prize, The Gnudi Palace , Bologna
International Prize of the Nations - Tribute to Tiziano  Biennale of the Nations Exhibition, Venice


Leonardo da Vinci, International Artist Award  Florence


The BP Soca Award for Creative Outreach Project.

Art & Poetry

I Segnalati - Art Book
Art International Contemporary 2018 Jan/Mar/May/June
The First Berliner Art Book, Germany
International Contemporary Artists, Vol. IX & XI.
The Amoco Art Collection Book , Trinidad
The Women Artist’s Diary. UK

Bocas Litfest 2016, Poems for a Liminal Age (SMP Press UK) Poetry Kit Poet of the Month


2008   Alabaster Moon - Premiered at the Trinidad & Tobago film Festival
2007   Like an Angels Wing

My work in oils is predominantly lyrical, semi-abstract. I also develop collections that are figurative.

'The Pilgrimage of Rain' - these works are about the 'hidden' Trinidad, its dreaming rain- hazed hills and veiled horizons. 'Trinidad Rhapsody' : This was a collaboration with a composer where the music and the paintings sprang from a series of my poems about Trinidad. Destiny & Desire: This collection was a kind of folkloric Trini-Romance - focused on dancers, musicians & dream landscapes.

Works for sale:
Commissions Undertaken:
Price Range:
> £1500
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