50 years of Printmaking, Bankside Gallery, London - by Annette Elizabeth Sykes
The third day after Paris, and seemingly even the air is subdued as I arrive in London. The very atmosphere holding its’ breath; the Embankment a scattering of wanderers, marked by the increased presence of ‘Bobbies on the Beat’. The tide is out and a small group of figures industriously search for treasures on the opposite shoreline. I gaze at St Pauls in silent contemplation and acknowledgement before turning to enter Bankside Gallery. CHAOS - as Printmakers busily untie string and unwrap bundles; shiny, silver ‘Stiffy’ bags piled in the centre of the room. Faces taut with the knowledge of the impending deadline. Fast forward 2 days and London feels calmer, buildings and trees illuminated, people strolling arm in arm at early evening time. As I walk in the doors the exhibition looks great; it is a triumph of the Printmakers’ Art. Packed to the gunnels, I squeezed my way through to find my works displayed to great advantage.
My piece ‘Wave 1’ linocut is now in the permanent collection and archives of the Victoria and Albert Museum. If you are in London, the show runs until 29th November, from 11 am daily, free admission. It is a show so worth seeing, I am very proud to be part of such a huge collection of unique and original works of art, and it is now truly being appreciated as an art in its’ own right.