Julie Goldspink

Artist Bio

I currently exhibit works at Brialyn Boathouse Gallery,Frankston. Victoria. Australia Sherbrooke Gallery,62 Monbulk Rd, Belgrave. Victoria. Australian Fuild of Realist Artists, Camberwell Rd, Camberwell. Victoria. Australia and the Old Post Office Gallery, Seymour, Victoria, Australia. I paint in most mediums but specialize in Watercolour on different supports. I am mainly a Realist Impressionist painter, Wet in Wet method. Most subjects are covered and I am known for my Floral paintings. I guess the Australian landscape, River scenes and Ocean scenes are my main passion. I love to sometimes break out and experiment with Contemporary works of Still Life and also Collage work. My new and exciting work on Yupo and Watercolour Canvas have claimed notoriety and I now hold many workshops and classes for watercolour on both surfaces. I have been on the world wide established (Colour in Your Life) program which is on You tube. If people wish they can learn all about me on my website www.juliegoldspink.com.au and go to www.paintdownunder.com for DVD,s

A skilled draft person, drawing has always been a constant love of mine, as it forms the bones of all artworks. Mixed Media is another favourite, as I find the freedom of having no restrictions un-clutters the mind. These works would be categorized as contemporary, and the outcome is subjective spontaneity, resulting in random forms and expressions.

I am a Multi Award winning Artist and have held Solo and Shared Exhibitions in Sydney, Melbourne and country N.S.W. For over 2 years now I have been a Promotor of Daniel Smith Fine Art Watercolours and have my own Dot Card, as well as my own Signature Brush a Neef mop  Series 554. I am a well respected and sought after artist and tutor and hold many Workshops, Demonstrations and Classes in Victoria and throughout Australia. In addition I am a TAPP teacher for Chroma Australia in Atelier Interactive Acrylics.

I am a member of the elite Australian Watercolour Institute, Victorian Art Society and the Watercolour Society of Victoria, with whom I am one of the 10 selected members to be invited to hold their first Exhibition in Dalian, China in October 2016. Other memberships are a Signature member of Australian Guild of Realist Artists, Pastel Society of Victoria, Sherbrooke Art society, Malvern Art Society, Berwick Art Society and the McClelland Guild of Artists. Inc.

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