Corey Wolfe

Artist Bio

I am a self-taught artist. I’ve been working as an illustrator since 1979. My first art job was at a firm that painted restaurant décor. The styles and themes changed weekly. After two years there, I went freelance, and haven’t looked back. I began painting movie and video posters and ads for all the major movie companies. Over 1000 jobs for Disney. I am an official Barbie artist for Mattel as well.

I work both traditionally and digitally. I use a Mac and Photoshop for digital work. Traditionally I use oils on illustration board, or canvas and I am equally comfortable using acrylics. I paint many children's books.

My current passion is building Steampunk, and Atomic creations from found objects and home made parts.

I have painted over 50 paintings of angels and fairies, most of which have been published by Hayhouse, for Doreen Virtue projects.

A partial list of clients include Disney, Mattel, Hasbro, Hanna Barbara, Time magazine (a cover), Pepsi, McDonalds, Jim Henson, TSR, Wizards of the Coast, Lisa Frank, Penguin books, DAW books, Random House, Bantam books, Apple, Universal Studios, RCA/Columbia, CBS, Blockbuster, Warner Brothers, 20th Century Fox, Purina, Carnation, Kraft foods, and Nestles.

Keywords: Acrylic, Oil, Steampunk, Steam Punk, Atomic, vivid, child, children, Raygun, Rocket, Rocketship, toy, toys,
Space toys, space, spaceship, angel, angels, guardian angel, fairy, fairies, fay,celebrity, Marilyn Monroe, executive, desktop sculpture, statue, sculpture, executive gift,

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