Colin Bellwood

Artist Bio

The works are usually described as 'Oil and Collage', and although there can be some other media involved, they are mainly that and done on canvas board or wood panel. They use a number of traditional motifs - flowers and fruit arrangements, portraits etc to create a more modern and 'visually tactile' effect - although and increasingly there are some less traditional iconographic touches, such as strange birds, the occasional snake and crucifixes. The works are all vivid in colour - often using primary colours - which places them in an expressionist tradition: Cezanne, Van Gogh, Matisse, Soutine and Modigliani are clear influences, more than anything more 'contemporary'. 'Modern' rather than 'contemporary' would characterize them, although the collage adds a more distinctive patina. The bright colours are undoubtedly influenced by the light and ambience of the studio in Seville where most of the works have been painted and there are some specifically Andalusian subjects: women in mantillas and with fans, exteriors of orange trees and jacaranda trees, all again vividly coloured and essentially expressionist in nature. Prices vary from those somewhat higher such as for those bought during a London exhibition by actress and 'Eastenders' star Samantha Womack and for some of the eight exhibited over the years at the Royal Academy's Summer Exibition to those somewhat lower such as for the painting recently sold to a retired couple during last year's exhibition in Seville. The intention is really to find buyers who genuinely like and would care for the pieces and so, although there is a price range as indicated, the works are not only affordable, but negotiable. No works are done to commission. Those to be shown via this internet connection are recent works as well as some shown in the four one man exhibitions - two in London, one in Edinburgh and most recently in Seville itself.

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